Buckland Surveying & Drawing Ltd

Measured land & building surveyors

Professional surveying service based in Buckinghamshire covering the UK

Since 2001 BSDS has been providing architects and developers with high quality measured surveys and drawings


Topographic survey

All site information is acquired : contour, tree/vegetation, outbuildings and building footprints, drains, overhead detail and boundary information - although not limited to this list.

Measured building survey

Complete building layout, internal/external walls, door, fixtures, sections, elevations, roof plans covering both private dwelling and commercial buildings.

CAD/Vectorworks/Drawing services

Architectural detailing, M&E layouts, Planning Applications and design. With an extensive list of previous clients many services have been bespoke in nature.

Setting out

Information is relayed to the site such as a building footprint, excavation or boundary detail.

Project examples

Let’s meet up in real life

We are more than happy to discuss your requirements on site where we can guide you through the various steps needed to get your project completed